Tong (Tina) Liu 劉彤, BSocSc (First Class Honors), MPhil, PhD
Lab Website Georgetown Faculty Directory Google Scholar ORCID ResearchGate Twitter
2024.4 – Present Georgetown University Medical Center – Washington, DC, USA
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track), Department of Neurology
Director, Visual Perception and Plasticity Lab
2023.6 – 2024.3 National Institute of Mental Health – Bethesda, MD, USA
Research Fellow
Mentor: Dr. Elisha Merriam
2018.7 – 2023.6 National Institute of Mental Health – Bethesda, MD, USA
Visiting/Postdoctoral Fellow
Mentors: Drs. Leslie Ungerleider & Elisha Merriam
2013.8 – 2018.5 Carnegie Mellon University – Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Ph.D. in Psychology: Cognitive Neuroscience
Advisor: Dr. Marlene Behrmann
Dissertation Committee: Drs. Michael Tarr, David Plaut, & Carl Olson
2011.9 – 2013.8 University of Hong Kong – Hong Kong, China
MPhil in Psychology: Visual Cognition
Advisor: Dr. William Hayward
2010.1 – 2010.5 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign – IL, USA
Student Exchange Program
GPA: 4.0/4.0
2008.9 – 2011.5 University of Hong Kong – Hong Kong, China
Bachelor of Social Sciences (First Class Honors)
Major in Psychology, Minor in Politics and Public Administration
2023.5 Certificate of Completion, Management Bootcamp: Leadership & Management Training Program
Office of Intramural Training & Education (OITE), NIH
Instructor: Dr. Lori Conlan
2020.9 – 2021.1 Certificate of Training, ‘Scientists Teaching Science’ 9-week Online Course
Instructor: Ms. Barbara Houtz
2020.2 – 2020.8 NIMH Grant Writing Workshop Series and Mock Review Session
Lead instructor: Dr. David Armstrong
Summer 2018 Summer School in Computational Sensory-Motor Neuroscience (CoSMo) - Minneapolis, MN, USA
Coordinators: Drs. Gunnar Blohm, Paul Schrater & Konrad Körding
Summer 2015 Kavli Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience - Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Coordinators: Drs. Brian Wandell & Susan Bookheimer
Summer 2014 Brains, Minds, Machines summer course at MBL – Woods Hole, MA, USA
Coordinators: Drs. Tomaso Poggio & L. Mahadevan
(#co-first authors with equal contribution, ##co-senior authors with equal contribution)
Manuscript under review or in prep
Liu, T.T.#, Granovetter, M.C.#, Maallo, A.M.S., Fu, J.Z., Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (under review). Microgenesis of plasticity in human visual cortex following large cortical resection. (#co-first authors with equal contribution)
Kronemer, S.I., Gobo, V.E., Japee, S., Merriam, E.P., Osborne, B.J., Bandettini, P., & Liu, T.T. (under review). Visually evoked pupil, blink, and eye movements in cortical blindness.
Liu, T.T., Cavanaugh, M.R., Bachmann, H.P., Li, B., Fahrenthold, B.K., Japee, S., Huxlin, K.R., & Merriam, E.P. (in preparation). Patients with V1 damage exhibit increased orientation decoding in hMT+, but only if pulvinar is intact.
Ock, E. Y., Joynes, C., Liu, T.T., Merriam, E.P. (in preparation). Distinct modulation of FEF during orienting and reorienting of exogenous and endogenous attention.
Peer-reviewed articles
Liu, T.T. (2024). Unraveling nature and nurture in cortical (re)organization. Nature Review Neuroscience. DOI: 10.1038/s41583-024-00825-x
Simmons, C., Granovetter, M.C., Robert, S., Liu, T.T., Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (2024). Holistic processing and face expertise after pediatric resection of occipitotemporal cortex. Neuropsychologia, 194, 108789. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2024.108789
Bachmann, H.P., Japee, S., Merriam, E.P.##, Liu, T.T.## (2024). Emotion and anxiety interact to bias spatial attention. Emotion. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1037/emo0001322 (##co-senior authors with equal contribution) American Psychological Association (APA) Showcase:
Ventura, P.#, Liu, T.T.#, Cruz, F., Banha, A., Domingues, M., Guerreiro, J.C., & Delgado, J. (2023). From Perugino to Picasso: holistic processing of faces in paintings. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. DOI: 10.1037/aca0000575 (#co-first authors with equal contribution) American Psychological Association (APA) Showcase:
Yang, F.N., Liu, T.T., Wang, Z. (2023). Corticostriatal connectivity mediates the relationship between sleep and impulsivity in early adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. DOI:
Liu, T.T., Fu, J.Z., Chai, Y., Japee, S., Gang, C., Ungerleider, L.G., & Merriam, E.P. (2022). Layer-specific, retinotopically-diffuse modulation in human visual cortex in response to viewing emotionally expressive faces. Nature Communications, 13(1), 6302. DOI: Check out this news story which showcases Jason Fu, my postbac and the study’s second author: SOM Student Jason Fu, SOM Class of 2025, Published His Study in Nature Communications
Ventura, P., Liu, T.T., Cruz, F., & Pereira, A. (2022). The mechanisms supporting holistic perception of words and faces are not independent. Memory & Cognition, 1-16. DOI: Psychonomic Society Featured Content
Yang, F.N., Liu, T.T., Wang, Z. (2022). Functional connectome mediates the association between sleep disturbance and mental health in preadolescence: a longitudinal mediation study. Human Brain Mapping, 43(6), 2041-2050. DOI:
Chai, Y., Liu, T.T., Marrett, S., Li, L., Khojandi, A., Handwerker, D.A., Alink, A., Muckli, L., Bandettini, P.A. (2021). Topographical and laminar distribution of audiovisual processing within human planum temporale. Progress in Neurobiology, 205, 102121. DOI:
Maallo, A.M.S., Freud, E., Liu, T.T., Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (2020). Effects of unilateral cortical resection of the visual cortex on bilateral human white matter. NeuroImage, 207, 116345. DOI:
Liu, T.T.#, Freud, E.#, Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (2019). Perceptual function and category-selective neural organization in children with resections of visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 3160-18. DOI: (#co-first authors with equal contribution) [12 news mentions, including Newsweek, Science Daily, Technology Networks, American Academy of Ophthalmology, Medical Health News, NIH News]
Liu, T.T., Nestor, A., Vida, M., Pyles, J., Patterson, C., Yang, Y., Yang, F.N., Freud, E., & Behrmann, M. (2018). Successful reorganization of category-selective visual cortex following occipito-temporal lobectomy in childhood. Cell Reports, 24(5), 1113-1122.e6. DOI: [>70 news mentions, including Washington Post, CNN, NBC News, Medium, USA Today, Science Daily, Live Science, etc]
Liu, T.T., & Behrmann, M. (2017). Functional outcomes following lesions in visual cortex: Implications for plasticity of high-level vision. Neuropsychologia, 105, 197-214. DOI:
Liu, T.T., & Behrmann, M. (2014). Impaired holistic processing of left-right composite faces in congenital prosopagnosia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8. DOI: (This article is part of the Research Topic Facing the other: Novel theories and methods in face perception research.)
Liu, T.T., Oxner, M., Hayward, W. G., & Behrmann, M. (2014). Holistic processing for left-right composite faces in Chinese and Caucasian observers. Visual Cognition, 22(8), 1050-1071. DOI:
Hsiao, J. H., & Liu, T.T. (2012). The optimal viewing position in face recognition. Journal of Vision, 12(2):22, 1-9. DOI:
Preregistered studies
Bachmann, H.P., Japee, S., Merriam, E.P.#, Liu, T.T.# (2022). The relationship between emotional valence, anxiety, and attentional disengagement. OSF Preregistration DOI: (#co-senior authors with equal contribution)
Bachmann, H.P., Japee, S., Merriam, E.P.#, Liu, T.T.# (2021). The relationship between emotional valence, anxiety, and attentional bias. OSF Preregistration DOI: (#co-senior authors with equal contribution)
Public data repositories
- Bachmann, H.P, Liu, T. T., Japee, S., & Merriam, E. P. (2022, December 16). The relationship between emotional valence, anxiety, and spatial attention. Retrieved from DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/6K9FN.
Invited Talks
Liu, T.T. (2023, February). Understanding neuroplasticity in the developing and adult human brain. Invited talk at Georgetown University Medical School, Washington, D.C.
Liu, T.T. (2020, September). Layer-specific modulation of responses in human visual cortex by emotional faces. Invited (virtual) talk at Early Career Seminar, University of Nevada, Reno.
Liu, T.T. (2020, July). Layer-specific modulation of responses in human visual cortex by emotional faces. Invited talk at Fellows Afternoon Neuroscience Seminars (FANS), NIMH, NIH.
Liu, T.T. (2017, November). Longitudinal mapping of the reorganization of the visual system in childhood post-lobectomy. Invited talk at Laboratory of Brain and Cognition, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Liu, T.T. (2017, January). Understanding cortical reorganization in the visual system. Invited talk at Shenzhen Institute of Neuroscience, Shenzhen, China.
Liu, T.T. (2016, June). The developing ventral visual pathway in in patients with hemispherectomy or lobectomy. Invited talk at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
Conference Talks
Rispoli, B., Liu, T.T., Moon, K., Chatterjee, R., Zaghloul, K., & Inati, S. (2025, May). Homotopic reorganization of the visual word form area following surgical resection of connected cortex. Talk to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Li, B., Liu, T.T., Cavanaugh, M.R., Bachmann, H.P., Fahrenthold, B.K., Japee, S., Huxlin, K.R., & Merriam, E.P. (2024, May). Patients with V1 damage exhibit increased orientation decoding in hMT+, but only if pulvinar is intact. Talk to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [Bing Li received VSS 2024 Early Career Scientist Travel Grant]
Liu, T.T., Granovetter, M., Maallo, A.M.S., Fu, J.Z., Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (2022, November). Microgenesis of plasticity in human visual cortex following large cortical resection. Nanosymposium talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA.
Liu, T.T., Fu, J.Z., Chai, Y., Japee, S., Gang, C., Ungerleider, L.G., Merriam, E.P. (2022, October). Layer-specific, retinotopically-diffuse modulation in human visual cortex in response to viewing emotional facial expressive faces. Talk presented at Optica Fall Vision Meeting. Rochester, NY.
Granovetter, M., Liu, T.T., Maallo, A.M.S., Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (2022, June). Delineating the Time-Course of Visual System Plasticity, Pre- and Post-Pediatric Occipital Lobectomy. Talk presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Glasgow, Scotland.
Liu, T.T., Granovetter, M., Maallo, A.M.S., Fu, J.Z., Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (2022, May). Plasticity of visual cortex following large cortical resections. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Liu, T.T., Fu, J.Z., Chai, Y., Japee, S., Ungerleider, L.G., Merriam, E.P. (2020, June). Layer-specific modulation of visual responses in human visual cortex by emotional faces. Talk presented at the Annual (Virtual) Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society.
Liu, T.T., Nestor, A., Patterson, C., Vida, M., Pyles, J., Yang, Y., Freud, E., & Behrmann, M. (2016, May). The developing ventral visual pathway in a young patient following right occipito-temporal lobectomy. Talk presented at 16th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Cheng, Z., Lao, J., Crookes, K., Liu, T.T., & Caldara. R., Hayward, W.G. (2013, May). Eye movements for scrambled faces. Talk presented at the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Suzhou, China.
Liu, T.T., Oxner, M., Hayward, W.G., & Behrmann, M. (2013, July). Holistic processing for left-right composite faces. Talk presented at the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Suzhou, China. [Student Travel Award]
Liu, T.T. (2013, June). The hierarchical structure of visual working memory. Talk presented at the Annual Research Postgraduate Conference, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. [Best Oral Presentation]
Conference Posters
Gobo, V.E., Liu, T.T., Japee, S., Merriam, E.P., Osborne, B., Bandettini, P.A., Kronemer, S.I. (submitted). Visual evoked pupil, blink, and eye movements in cortical blindness. Abstract submitted to the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Liu, T.T., Cavanaugh, M.R., Bachmann, H.P., Li, B., Fahrenthold, B.K., Melnick, M.D., Japee, S., Huxlin, K.R., & Merriam, E.P. (2023, November). Patients with V1 damage exhibit orientation decoding in hMT+ after visual training. Poster presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C.
Liu, T.T., Bachmann, H.P., Cavanaugh, M.R., Fahrenthold, B.K., Melnick, M.D., Japee, S., Huxlin, K.R., & Merriam, E.P. (2023, May). Bypassing V1: Orientation selectivity in hMT+ of cortically-blinded patients. Poster presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Cavanaugh, M.R., Liu, T.T., Merriam, E.P., Duje, D., & Huxlin, K.R. (2023, May). Direction discrimination training recovers fine orientation perception in V1-damage fields. Poster presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Bachmann, H.P., Japee, S., Merriam, E.P., Liu, T.T. (2022, November). Emotion and Anxiety Interact to Bias Spatial Attention. Poster presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Bachmann, H.P., Japee, S., Merriam, E.P., Liu, T.T. (2022, May). The Relationship between Emotional Valence, Anxiety, and Attentional Bias. Poster presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [Helena Bachmann received VSS 2022 Early Career Scientist Travel Grant]
Bachmann, H.P., Japee, S., Merriam, E.P., Liu, T.T. (2022, April). The Relationship between Emotional Valence, Anxiety, and Attentional Bias. Poster Presented at NIH Postbac Poster Day, Bethesda, MD. [Helena Bachmann received 2022 NIH Postbac Poster Day Outstanding Poster Award]
Fu, J.Z., Liu, T.T., Merriam, E.P., Ungerleider, L.G. (2020, April). Spatio-temporal dynamics and spectral profile of facial valence processing in V1. Virtual poster presented at NIH Postbac Poster Day.
Liu, T.T., Fu, J.Z., Japee, S., Chai, Y., Ungerleider, L.G., Merriam, E.P. (2019, October). Affective processing of face stimuli in human primary visual cortex. Poster presented at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
Fu, J.Z, Liu, T.T., Japee, S., Chai, Y., Ungerleider, L.G., Merriam, E.P. (2019, September). Facial valence processing in human primary visual cortex. Poster presented at the 21st Annual NIMH IRP Fellows’ Scientific Training Day, Washington, D.C.
Fu, J.Z., Liu T.T., Japee, S., Merriam, E.P., Ungerleider, L.G. (2019, August) Using laminar fMRI to probe affective processing in V1. Poster Presented at NIH Postbac Poster Day, Bethesda, MD.
Yang, F.N., Xu, S., Liu, T.T., Rao, H. (2017, November). Randomized response-stimulus intervals are implicitly encoded as temporal probabilities in the human brain. Poster presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C.
Liu, T.T., Nestor, A., Kay, K.N., Vida, M., Pyles, J., Zhang, X., Patterson, C. & Behrmann (2016, November). The topography of early & higher-order visual cortex following temporal lobectomy. Poster presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
Liu, T.T., Nestor, A., Kay, N.K, Vida, M., Pyles, J., Zhang, X., Patterson, C., & Behrmann, M. (2015, May). The topography of early and higher-order visual cortex in patients with hemispherectomy/lobectomy. Poster presented at 15th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL. [Student Travel Award]
Liu, T.T., Oxner, M., Hayward, W.G., & Behrmann, M. (2014, May). Holistic processing for left-right composite faces. Poster presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Hayward, W.G., Lao, J., Cheng, Z., Crookes, K., Liu, T.T., & Caldara. R. (2013, May). Eye movements for scrambled faces. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.
Liu, T.T., Chen, Z., & Hayward, W.G. (2013, May). High and low: The resolution of representations in visual working memory. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.
Liu, T.T., & Hayward, W.G. (2012, May). Interactions between space-, surface-, and object-based attention. Poster presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, FL.
Hsiao, J.H., & Liu, T.T. (2011, July). The optimal viewing position in face recognition. Poster presented at the 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Hong Kong.
“The Brain That Remade Itself” OneZero — Medium
“When surgeons removed one sixth of a child’s brain, here’s what happened.” — CNN
“A 12-year-old had one-sixth of his brain removed. He feels ‘perfectly normal.’” — Washington Post
“Boy recovers normal life after losing big part of his brain” — NBC News
“A child lost a sixth of his brain, then made an amazing comeback.” — PBS News Hour
“Epileptic Girl Who Had Half Her Brain Removed Can Read After Organ Rewired Itself” — Newsweek
“Children’s brains reorganize after epilepsy surgery to retain visual perception – NIH-funded study shows that in children, the brain can compensate for missing regions of the visual cortex” — NIH News
September 2020 Office of Fellowship Training (OFT) Trainee Travel Award, NIMH, NIH
2018 – 2023 Intramural Research Training Award, National Institutes of Health
Summer 2018 Summer School in Computational Sensory-Motor Neuroscience Fellowship
2016 – 2017 Presidential Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University
Summer 2015 Kavli Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Fellowship
May 2015 Student Travel Award, Vision Sciences Society
Summer 2014 Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School Fellowship
2013 – 2014 Ungerleider Carnegie Prize Fellowship, Carnegie Mellon University
July 2013 Student Travel Award, Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision
June 2013 Best Oral Presentation, 13th Annual Research Postgraduate Conference, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong
2011 – 2013 Conference Grants for Research Postgraduate Students, University of Hong Kong
2011 – 2013 Postgraduate Scholarships, University of Hong Kong
2011 BSocSc awarded with First Class Honors, University of Hong Kong
2009 Serena Yang Award for Social Innovation, University of Hong Kong
2009 – 2011 Dean’s Honors list, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Hong Kong
2024 – Present Thesis Committee Member, Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, Georgetown University
MD/PhD student: Noah Steinberg
MD/PhD student: Gina Choe
PhD student: Naama Zur
2024 Summer Rotation Mentor, Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, Georgetown University
Mentee: Beth Rispoli, PhD student
2023 - 2024 Mentor, NIH Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program
Mentee: Bing Li
Now: Neuroscience graduate student at Princeton University
2024: Recipient of the 2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Recipient of the 2024 VSS Early Career Scientist Travel Grant
2023 - 2024 Co-mentor, NIH Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program
Mentee: June Hee Kim (2021-2024, co-mentorship: 2023-2024)
2022: Winner of the 2022 VSS Graphics Competition
2022 - 2024 Co-mentor, NIH Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program
Mentee: Elena Younhye Ock (2021-2024, co-mentorship: 2022-2024)
Now: MD/PhD student at the University of Colorado Boulder
2023: Recipient of the 2023 VSS Early Career Scientist Travel Grant, Recipient of the Travel award to attend the "Training in Advanced Statistics in Neuroimaging and Genetics" course at the University of Utah
2022: Recipient of the 2022 NIH Postbac Poster Day Outstanding Poster Award, Recipient of the Helmsley Scholarship for the Cold Spring Harbor Course "Schizophrenia and Related Disorders"
2022 - 2023 Co-mentor, NIH Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program
Mentee: Maeve Sargeant (2020-2023, co-mentorship: 2022-2023)
Now:Clinical Health Psychology grad student at East Carolina University
2021: Finalist of the 2021 NIMH Three-Minute-Talk
2021 - 2023 Mentor, NIH Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program
Mentee: Helena (Lanie) Bachmann
Now: Neuroscience grad student at Columbia University
2022: Recipient of the 2022 VSS Early Career Scientist Travel Grant, Recipient of the 2022 NIH Postbac Poster Day Outstanding Poster Award, Recipient of the 2022 NIMH Trainee Travel Award, Winner of the 2022 NIMH Three-Minute-Talk
2021 – 2024 Advisor, Action Potential Advising Program, Simply Neuroscience
(an international, student-led NPO dedicated to fostering students' interdisciplinary interests in the brain)
Mentees: Suma Dendi, Abhay Kapoor, Michelle Nehez, Aishwarya Krishnaswamy, Deena Khan
2018 – 2021 Mentor, NIH Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA) program
Mentee: Jason Fu
Now: MD student at New York Medical College
2015 – 2017 Mentor, Carnegie Mellon University
Mentee: Adam Dickter
MD from University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry (2024)
Now: Resident at Forbes Hospital | Allegheny Health Network, PA
2022 Resubmission, NIMH Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00)
"Linking emotional processing and neural activity through layer-specific fMRI, MEG, and neurofeedback"
Impact Score: 35
2021 Initial Submission, NIMH Pathway to Independence Awards (K99/R00)
"Linking emotional processing and neural activity through layer-specific fMRI, MEG, and neurofeedback"
Impact Score: 33
2020 NIMH Grant Writing Workshop Series
Sep 2024 ICOS 7710 Cognitive Science Core Course (GU), Lead instructor: Dr. Abigail Marsh
Delivered a lecture/seminar on “Vision”
Fall 2017 Biological Foundations of Behavior (CMU), Course instructor: Lori Holt
Delivered a lecture on "hemispheric differences"
Assisted with dissection labs (Eye dissection & brain dissection)
Held office hours
Coordinated undergrad TAs in grading
Fall 2016 Cognitive Psychology (CMU), Course instructor: Erik Thiessen
Delivered a lecture on "face perception"
Held office hours
Coordinated undergrad TAs in grading
Led recitations
Spring 2015 Social Psychology (CMU), Course instructor: Vicki Helgeson
Delivered a lecture on "fixed vs. growth: the two basic mindsets"
Held office hours
Led recitation sections
Graded essays and exams
Fall 2015 Biological Foundations of Behavior (CMU), Course instructor: Marlene Behrmann
Delivered a lecture on "the visual system"
Assisted with dissection labs (Eye dissection & brain dissection)
Held office hours
Led recitations
Coordinated undergrad TAs in grading
Fall 2012 Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Psychology (HKU), Course instructor: Li Li
Led weekly tutorials
Graded exams
Held office hours
Fall 2011 Foundations of Cognitive Science (HKU), Course instructor: Li Li
Designed and led weekly tutorials
(covering topics in Cognitive Psychology, Philosophy, Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence, and Visual arts)
Graded exams
Held office hours
Reviewing editor, Editorial Board of Neuroimaging for Cognitive Neuroscience, Frontiers in Neuroimaging
Ad hoc Reviewer, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Ad hoc Reviewer, Cerebral Cortex
Ad hoc Reviewer, Communications Biology
Ad hoc Reviewer, eLife x 4
Ad hoc Reviewer, F1000Research
Ad hoc Reviewer, Neuropsychologia
Ad hoc Reviewer, Trends in Cognitive Sciences (co-reviewed with Dr. Marlene Behrmann)
Ad hoc Reviewer, Visual Cognition
2024 - Present Thesis Committee Member, Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience, Georgetown University
2024 - Present Project Selection Committee, NexGen 7T U24 Dissemination Grant (NIH) awarded to University of California, Berkeley
2024 QS World University Rankings Survey for Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2023 - Present Certified Youth Mental Health First Aider, Mental Health First Aid - National Council for Mental Wellbeing
2021 - 2023 Certified CPR Basic Life Support, American Heart Association
2019 - Present NMRF Scanner Operator, 3T Discovery MR750 scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA), Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Core Facility (FMRIF), NIH Bethesda Campus
2018 - Present NMRF Scanner Operator, MAGNETOM 7T scanner (Siemens Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany), Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Core Facility (FMRIF), NIH Bethesda Campus
2018 - 2020 Certified CPR Lay Responder, American Heart Association
2018 – 2019 Panelist, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Journal Club
2016 – 2017 Graduate Student Representative, American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS), Psychology Department, Carnegie Mellon
Fall 2014 Organizer, Cognitive Brown Bag, Psychology Department, Carnegie Mellon University
2012 – 2013 Councilor, Postgraduate Student Association, University of Hong Kong
Summer 2011 Conference Helper, the 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Hong Kong
2008 – 2011 Student Ambassador, University of Hong Kong
Summer 2008 Volunteer, Media Operations, Beijing Olympic Games, Beijing, China
Professional Affiliations
Society for Neuroscience
Vision Sciences Society
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
Organization for Human Brain Mapping
Optica Fall Vision Meeting (formerly OSA)
In 2015, I began writing about cognitive psychology and the brain for the public on Zhihu, which was then a Chinese question-and-answer website similar to Quora in English but has recently become Zhihu Inc. (NASDAQ: ZH).
To date, my popular science blog has received more than 38,000 likes, 45,000 favorites, and 7 professional endorsements. Moreover, Zhihu Editor’s Picks, Zhihu Roundtable, and Zhihu Daily have featured 25 of my answers and 10 of my articles. In recognition of my contributions to the fields of Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, and Psychology on Zhihu, I have been awarded the title of “Outstanding Respondent.”
PS. I occasionally use the pen name “This is Not Tina” for my writing.
A. My ongoing collaborations with editors at Zhihu.
A1. eBook (2017): Imposter Syndrome「亚优秀症候群」
A2. Live podcast (2018): How to overcome imposter feelings? 如何停止自我否定,摆脱「骗子综合症」?
A3. Zhihu Book Club recommendation in 2018: Growth mindset「终身成长」
I suggested the book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck, published by Random House in 2006.
Note: This recording does not feature my voice, but instead that of a professional voice actor.
A4. Zhihu Book Club recommendation in 2019: Emotional Intelligence「情商」
I recommended the book “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ” by Daniel Goleman, published by Bantam Books in 2005.
Note: This recording does not feature my voice, but instead that of a professional voice actor.
B. My recent collaborations with Cheers Publishing, one of the top publishing groups in China.
B1. Audiobook narration and interpretation in 2022: 「认知天性」
Brown, P. C., Roediger III, H. L., & McDaniel, M. A. (2014). Make it stick: The science of successful learning. Harvard University Press.
Note: This recording features my voice.
B2. Podcast in 2023: Brain fog: a tale of brain and body 「职场人的脑雾清除计划」 Note: This recording features my own voice.
C. Creative writing in 2021: It was not a bad year because of you.
This is my debut creative writing in English. It chronicles my informal correspondence with NoBe Starbucks in MD as a recipient of Starbucks® for a year. I hope it makes for a light and entertaining read :)